Faylo:Urantia three-concentric-blue-circles-on-white symbol.svg

satapangan tang’an(SVG tang^an,tata’ak no laleko:424 × 424 syang-su no sya-sing, o tata’ak no tang^an:197位元組)

Nani tiniay i 維基共享資源konini a tang^an, alatek macokaymas no roma a masatataday a tang^an. Ikalaeno i masongila’ay a sowal toya felih a mapahapinang ko i tenokay a sowal.

kimad Symbol of three concentric blue circles on a white background as described in The Urantia Book.
O romi’ad
lalengatan O no tireng a nakamayan a misorit - Vector equivalent of former image File:Wiki-Paradise-Trinity.jpg using pure abstract geometric shapes (concentric circles with radii in the proportions 1:2:3, all with relative stroke width one half).
O misoritay User:AnonMoos
o sakatonek a patorod
(liyawen a midemak kona tang’an)

This is a trademark, but as a very simple geometric design, is not copyrightable under United States law.

向量圖形使用文字編輯器創作. (0%)
Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor

Public domain 由於本圖像只屬於簡單的幾何圖形圖片,而其完全包含公眾財產資訊,且不存在原始創作人,因此著作權不適用於此並歸公有領域所有。
Public domain 我,此作品的版權所有人,釋出此作品至公共領域。此授權條款在全世界均適用。
Trademarked 本作品含有在一個或多個司法管轄區内受商標法保護的內容。任意使用以致於侵害到商標擁有者的權益將可能會面臨刑事責任與民事賠償。請使用者使用前自行查明相關法律規定並承擔一切風險與責任。參見我們的免責聲明。使用本商標並不表示由維基共享資源或維基媒體基金會對持有人的背書,反之亦然。




描繪內容 Chinese (Taiwan)

授權條款 Chinese (Taiwan)

成立或建立時間 Chinese (Taiwan)


檔案來源 Chinese (Taiwan)

上傳者的原創作品 Chinese (Taiwan)

o likisi no tang’an

pili’en a mimi^mi ko romi’ad/ tok, ta misongila’ a minengneng to tang’an rorong nora tatokian

O romi’ad/ tokinisamamangan a congao tata’ak ato karaya’micokaymasaypipatongalan to sowal
Aniniay/imatinaay2015年1月27日 (tinosa) 19:45Nani tiniay i 2015年1月27日 (tinosa) 19:45 a rorong no nisamamangan a coka424 × 424(197位元組)Sarangsimpler version
2012年10月18日 (四) 12:56Nani tiniay i 2012年10月18日 (四) 12:56 a rorong no nisamamangan a coka424 × 424(276位元組)AnonMoosadd header which was not required for new uploads until 2011, but is now apparently retroactively required for all SVG files
2009年5月2日 (六) 23:16Awaay ko nisamamangan a conga0 × 0(241位元組)AnonMoosSymbol of three concentric blue circles on a white background as described in The Urantia Book. Created by User:AnonMoos from pure abstract geometric shapes (concentric circles with radii in the proportions 1:2:3, all with relati

Awaay ko felih to sapakakafit tonini a tang^an.

O laleko no tang^an i po:long no micokaymas

i kalaenoay oya no roma a wiki micokaymas tonini a tang^an :

misongila’ a minengneng tona matongal ko hekal to picokaymas no tang’an

mikitedal to tatiri’en